Station 1: Observation Hive. I bring a 2 sided observation hive for the day. Inside will be a frame of bees showing honey, and brood (babies) in various stages of development, and bees working the hive. Students can observe through the glass and the bees cannot get out. It is a great way to get up close and personal with the bees without any fear. This goes quickly, so to allow for the other stations to do their activity, I have the kids create a model hive that will be the classroom souvenir for the day. I provide rectangles of paper printed with hexagons on which kids can draw larvae, honey, pollen or bees that they see in the observation hive. Then this small piece of "comb" is glued to the flat side of a Popsicle stick and this stick is placed in a small box that I provide. I supervise this station. (10 minutes)